Tuesday, April 14, 2015

4/14/15 - shadow of a man with umbrellas

After Portland we went to the Washington coast, where it was driving rain for two days. We took a walk on the beach in spite of the weather until K balked and refused to go any further, and M went back to our house with her. I imagined what my grandfather would have thought about the weak youth of America. L and I continued on for an hour or so and it just kept getting nicer. At this point it was L, me, and a couple of unnecessary umbrellas. Two days later we took K to the doctor and discovered she had pneumonia. What a wimp!

Saturday, April 11, 2015

4/11/15 - in an elevator somewhere in portland

We took a family trip down to Portland, and Froggy came along. I got nominated to carry him on an outing to Powell's Bookstore, the best bookstore west of the Mississippi (at the very least). Froggy seemed to enjoy it, but not nearly as much as a stop at Stumptown: